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What is a Lash Lift?

MegaLash Studio
A lash lift is essentially a perm for your natural lashes. This relatively low-maintenance procedure lifts and curls lashes for up to 8 weeks. For those looking to simplify their beauty routines, this might be a treatment to consider. 
A lash lift is essentially a perm for your natural lashes. This relatively low-maintenance procedure lifts and curls lashes for up to 8 weeks. For those looking to simplify their beauty routines, this might be a treatment to consider. 

A lash lift service is designed to enhance the natural lash. Every clients lashes are different and thus the outcome of the service will vary from person to person. For example, a client with naturally long lashes will have a more dramatic outcome verses a client with shorter lashes. Both results can be beautiful, but if a client with short lashes is looking for a more dramatic effect, lash extension services may be a better choice. 

In order to ensure the best result possible, we are trained and well equipped with different types of perming rods and techniques. At your appointment, your eye shape and natural lashes will be analyzed to ensure we pick the correct perming rod to achieve the best result.

How often can lash lifts be done? Lash lift results last anywhere from 7-8 weeks (sometimes longer) and can safely be done every 6-8 weeks. For clients who get lash lifts this regularly, sometimes a break may be needed in between to allow lashes to go through a full growth cycle.

Things to know before & after your appointment 

Before appointment:

  • Do not put on mascara. Removing mascara can be very time-consuming and any residual makeup will prevent proper processing of the lifting solution.

  • Do not wear eye makeup. Makeup close to the eye area must be removed prior to the application process.

  • Please arrive on time. All appointments are based on timing to allow proper processing time.

  • After appointment:

  • Be gentle with your lashes; no rubbing.

  • Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hrs.

  • Do not use harsh products on your eyes/lashes.

  • Use of Sauna/Steam is possible after 24hrs but may weaken the effect of the lift.

  • No eye make up for 24 hours.

  • Avoid waterproof mascara’s.

  • Swimming should be avoided for at least 24hrs.

  • No other facial beauty treatments for 24hrs.

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